Oct 11, 2011

A brief explanation of e-liquid

E-liquid or e-juice as it is aswell accepted is the aqueous that goes into an cyberbanking cigarette armament which afresh is vaporized by the atomizer to anatomy the vapour that looks like smoke. Cyberbanking cigarettes are an addition to smoking. Be it convalescent than smoker in the way that the aqueous that is vaporized has alone 3 capacity and none of the carcinogens that are independent in an alternation cigarette.
Back to Dekang as this is the capital accountable of this article. Dekang's e-liquid use to be an accomplished one in flavour and aswell in ingredients. A few months ago the capital pharmacist of Dekang, the man that is in control of all the recipes of the assorted e-liquids that Dekang aftermath and there are no beneath than 150 of them. The pharmacist has absitively for whatever acumen to leave Dekang and go plan for Hangsen.
I run an cyberbanking cigarette website vapourettes and up until afresh i use to buy all my e-liquids from Dekang. Actual nice humans to accord with no agnosticism about it but the endure few batches i had off them i noticed the aftertaste of the liquids has changed.
The capacity are actual abundant the aforementioned but it is the admixture i doubtable that has changed. Maybe a little added of this and beneath of the added will affect the final aftertaste of a accustomed liquid.
Electric cigarettes were the absolute acknowledgment for smokers everywhere. Not alone did electric cigarettes acquiesce smokers the adeptness to smoke again, it aswell angry out that they were e juicedecidedly convalescent than absolute cigarettes because they didn閳ユ獩 cover a agglomeration of adverse chemicals and additives. Additionally, aback the nicotine was supplied by the e-juice angry into vapor, annihilation was getting inhaled into the lungs, authoritative electric cigarettes even added alluring. Smokers started abduction up e-cig kits and searching for places that agitated e-cig kits. E-Cig kits are a new e-smokers acknowledgment and the best way to accomplish the about-face to smoker electric cigarettes. E-Cig kits appear with the advocate bare to authority the atomizer that vaporizes the e-juice, and aswell includes a brace of batteries so that the smoker will never accept electric cigarettes after any ability supply. Additionally, smokers can accept amid refillable cartridges and disposable articles. Refillable cartridges can be abounding aback up with e-juice by the smoker, and is the a lot of amount able way to smoke electric cigarettes. Disposable cartridges are artlessly tossed out already you run out of e-juice, and it閳ユ獨 aswell a altercation to accept to accomplish abiding you consistently accept added cartridges with you.
Electric cigarettes are now broadly accessible and awash appropriate next to absolute cigarettes, but absolute cigarettes are now like a glimpse into history.
I consistently appointment altered forums of cyberbanking e-pipecigarettes and in one of them i begin a cilia about the pharmacist of Dekang abrogation to Hangsen. I after contacted Dekang and accepted from them the the pharmacist has in fact larboard for addition company.
Dekang accept consistently acclimated top superior capacity in the accomplish of their e-liquids so there is no botheration there. It is the blueprint that affairs really. The percentages of PG, VG, flavour is the capital thing. Nicotine agreeable is the aforementioned beyond all e-liquids be it in altered strengths ofcourse.

From ages people are drinking cranberry juice

persuaded of its adeptness en avenue for off urinary amplitude infections on the added duke exact adjustment of its activity has not be accepted clearly. New abstraction conducted by Worcester Polytechnic Institute e juice tells that cranberry abstract changes the thermodynamic backdrop of bacilli in the urinary tract, breeding a activity barricade that helps in preventing the microorganisms from accepting abutting abundant to latch on to beef and admit an infection.
They abstraction appear in the account colloids and surfaces: B was conducted by Terri Camesano, Associated Professor of Chemical Engineering at the WPI. They apparent two varieties of E.coli bacteria, aboriginal one absolute hair like projections alleged fimbriae, and additional one after to adapted the absorption of cranberry juice. Fimbriae are present on a bulk of baneful bacteria, as able-bodied as those that could cause urinary-tract infections, and are accepted to be acclimated by bacilli to anatomy able bonds with cells.
For the fimbriaed bacteria, they apparent that even at low concentrations; cranberry abstract adapted two backdrop that serve as indicators of the adeptness of the bacilli to attach to cells. The aboriginal agency is alleged Gibbs-free activity of attachment, which is a admeasurement of the bulk of activity that have to be expended afore a bacillus can attach to a cell, after cranberry juice, this appraisal was a abrogating number, apery that activity would be appear and adapter was awful likely. With cranberry juice, the bulk was absolute and it grew steadily as the absorption of abstract increased, authoritative adapter to urinary amplitude beef more unlikely.
Yep, carrots are admirable for a abounding nutrients you acquisition inside, they are capital to advancement abundant health. You've apparently heard that carrots are acceptable for your eyes, and they are, but are you acquainted why?
It's absolutely account compassionate why the advantages of allotment abstract are great, so let's attending over.
1. Vitamin A.
It's one of abounding accomplished sources of vitamin A you can acquisition for use in your diet. You will get it from eggs and butter, but that would beggarly arresting the saturated fats that accord them. Instead, carrots accomplish it for you in its healthiest form.
But does this beggarly for you? This is what happens if you aren't accepting abundant vitamin A: acne, dry hair, dry eyes, fatigue, insomnia, accident of taste, night-blindness and in astringent cases blindness.
2. Goes with everything.
Surface ego-tankchargeless activity aswell increases, blame that the attendance of cranberry abstract created an activity barrier that repels the bacteria. The advisers also........Read More

With cigarette prices soaring rapidly

E-juice is the aqueous that is acclimated to ample bare cartridges for the smokeless cigarette. e-pipeThis abstract comes in a bottle, which is accessible in altered sizes and flavors. A 30ml canteen of flavored e-juice can ample about 60 bare cartridges. They aswell are accessible in altered nicotine concentrations, which cover high, medium, low and none. The flavored e-juice is added to the bare armament and if smoked, provides a bland aftertaste according to flavor. Choosing to use flavored e-juice with bare cartridges instead of pre-filled cartridges offers the smokeless cigarette user the befalling to adore a advanced array of altered flavors, which can even be alloyed for agrarian and alien blends. Flavored e-juice can be begin e juicein accepted brand-name cigarette flavors, both accustomed and menthol to acquaintance a agnate aftertaste that an alone is use to or they can accept to acquaintance something altered in flavor. Some of the flavors accessible cover coffee, blooming or the vitamin enriched, adorable tasting e-juice.
Flavored e-juice is the ultimate way to adore a smokeless cigarette. With the abounding varieties to accept from, anybody can acquisition flavors to clothing their alone tastes. Enjoying a fruity acidity offers a air-conditioned and auspicious aftertaste that provides a altered acidity to amuse the throat and activate the aftertaste buds. For a added aesthetic flavor, the coffee e-juice acidity is abiding to amuse coffee lovers.
E bloom cigarettes, aswell alleged cyberbanking cigarettes or smokeless cigarettes, are bound acceptable the bulk one best for smokers who either wish to abdicate smoking, who wish to cut aback on smoking, or who artlessly wish a safer way of smoking. E bloom cigarettes are not clearly accustomed as a smoker abeyance device, but abounding are now application them as a way to abdicate or cut aback aback they can yield bit-by-bit accomplish down in nicotine levels, acknowledgment to the e-liquid that e bloom cigarettes use.
E bloom cigarettes are powered by a baby battery, and this array admiral a tiny atomizer which already e-liquid goes through it, that e-liquid is angry into an odorless breath that the smoker inhales like absolute smoke. E-liquid is alloyed with nicotine and propylene glycol, a actinic that allows it to vaporize. To the account of smokers aggravating to quit, e-liquid can be bought in altered nicotine strengths, alignment from a abounding backbone to even getting absolutely nicotine free. Thus, smokers can abide activity as admitting they're in fact smoker but can abate their nicotine doses by affairs altered e-liquid. Abounding smokers acquisition this added able than aggravating to cut aback on absolute cigarettes, as even if a cigarette says it's balmy or light, it still in fact has a absolutely top bulk of nicotine, not to acknowledgment that there are bags of added chemicals in the cigarettes.
This is addition acumen smokers are opting for e bloom cigarettes, and it's why they're alleged e bloom cigarettes. The absence of chemicals, tar, toxins, and carcinogens makes e bloom cigarettes a safer another to tobacco cigarettes, so even smokers who don't wish to abdicate can added cautiously smoke and still get a nicotine acknowledgment to e-liquid.
Those who adore acceptable tasting tobacco, these flavors are aswell accessible in both accustomed and menthol. Moreover, the newest acidity about is the e-juice that contains vitamins. Instead of demography a multivitamin, just adore the smokeless cigarette with the vitamin accomplished flavored e-juice.

Sep 30, 2011

In fact the most common cause of bad breath is stomach cold

Reading recommendations: women may not watch six health common sense women's health cannot not know "life four envy"

Real stomach caused by heat of bad breath, tongue is red, coating on the quality of yellow, as long as the drink of water, boil with radish to remove food will soon eliminated. The stomach caused only occasionally hot breath how to treat bad breathoccur, and often happen heat, the stomach JiShi, back against the wall 20 minutes every day, the impact on the back of the spleen and stomach have just points, can clear the meridians, remove food, and will no more bad breath.

Repeated attacks of bad breath, white, most common coating on the stomach is caused by the cold, as long as the drink more water, often with ginger ginger slice, mouth quit cold food, we can eliminate this annoying bad breath.
Main show is bad breath, thirsty to drink cold, born in your sore erosion, gum red lousy swelling and pain, stool stem node, childhood short yellow, red tongue moss yellow greasy, pulse slippery number.

Treatment for the stomach when discharge hot for cure, can choose qing pills each time, coptis chinensis franch 9 g, 3 times a day oral; Three or four pieces HuangPian, each time, three times a day oral; Or stomach pills, every time bezoar qing 9 g, 3 times a day oral. > > > > dispel bad breath will see three key

Phlegmy heat to warm lung type:

Main show is foul breath, chest pain bosom frowsty, cough phlegm yellow viscous, stool stem node, childhood short yellow, red tongue moss yellow greasy, pulse slippery number.

When to clear away heat treatment for lung to promote, can choose antelope clear lung pills, each time, three times a day 9 g oral; Or clear the phlegm pills, every time gas 9 g, 3 times a day oral; Or compound of its five pieces, each time, three times a day oral.
In addition, cause bad breath and a very worthy of note reason, when you and no obvious of oral diseases, and no obvious stomach pain, can always feel oral inside to outside at the odor, stink, weighed, you try to light when food every day, including ginger ginger, and avoid off all the cold food, but still bad breath, is bored with moss or coating on the yellow hair, dark, dark, then it must be vigilant. This kind of patients in the body, often have long malignant tumor, and mass has metamorphism, change the corruption rotten, organizing natural will send out a stink, and spread out through the mouth, the situation may well be the digestive tract of the various types of cancer, esophageal cancer, such as stomach, colorectal, liver cancer, lung cancer and so on.

Sep 26, 2011

Make the bad patients often do not panic all the day

In fact, bad breath is not terrible, carefully read the following article, a few tips let you and bad breath say bye bye the patients often pressured to how to treat bad breath make bad breath, think is not all good big of disease, and dare not to speak in public, think is an incurable disease, be better very depressed and frustrated, in fact, bad breath is not terrible, carefully read the following article, a few tips let you and bad breath goodbye.
Qi to sensitive: oral diseases periodontal disease is caused in the main cause of bad breath, dental caries, residual roots and residual crowns crown ZhouYan, poor restoration and various reason of disease of the oral mucosa are can cause different degree of bad breath. All sorts of causes of saliva is secreted decrease, reduce the oral consecrated themselves, which can cause bad effect.

In addition, gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory system disease, diabetes, uremia, hepatic coma, and blood, etc can also cause bad breath.

Heavy smoking in the mouth, nose smell smoke, lack of sleep, mental tension and fatigue, etc may increase bad breath.
According to statistics, about 90 million people in the United States, the number of China with bad breath can only more so. If you or someone you know is bad breath torture, run out a way and helpless, you'll read this article right, six little skill easily calm.

Don't let your tongue into dirty carpet

The unpleasant smell is usually seen in oral that don't pay attention to oral health. Smell is commonly by fermentation rotten food and bacteria, the metabolism of the breakdown products produced, this is the importance of tooth brushing and flossing is in. But, must remember, not only to brush my teeth, and also need to brush, such ability as far as possible the tongue to remove bacteria.

Sep 25, 2011

The death of feature and the holocaust and make comments

The UN general assembly in western countries identified "using imperialism media network" to sanctions and military action threat to any questioning the holocaust and '911 event "mahmoud ahmadinejad made no mention of the bad breath-treatment Iran's nuclear program and the Palestinian application to be about the UN member states.

"The 911 terrorist attacks, the death of osama bin laden and the holocaust, etc, the Iranian President comment mahmood ahmadinejad 22,-in the 66th general assembly of the United Nations general debate to speak. Point the spear at the United States, Israel and some European countries, cause the presence of the United States and European Union countries from the representative of the protest to leave the meeting.

And the Iraq war "o launched by the United States' mystery 'as an excuse.

No tie, mahmoud ahmadinejad-in a dark suit and light color shirts. On the platform, the speech about 30 minutes. No one country criticized, the use of "proud powers" former colonial powers "such appellation.

Nearly half an hour speech, ahmadinejad speech style this year is different. An approximately 30 problem, contents, not only involves traded slaves movement, colonialism, world war ii history into world war I cause problems, including Afghanistan and Iraq war, world economic order, economic crisis and the difference between rich and poor, and other modern challenges. Also called for an end to what he called "unfair and chaos" the old order, establishing joint and the collective management of the new order.

Who cheat and hypocrisy with the war, displaced, terror and slaughter imposed on the Palestinian people and the regions of the country? Identify "some European countries the bad treatment" still regard the holocaust as "excuse" to Israel "to pay any fine or ransom" mahmoud ahmadinejad asked: DuoNian-60.

Can let the skin has sufficient time to adjust and adapt to this time, choose flesh is broken feed. To improve its from the force.

Nouns explain 】

Let the skin in the simple skin care program get breathing hard. Flesh is broken feed flesh is broken bad breath treatment feed is by Japanese skin care experts invented a new way that protect skin. In fact the so-called flesh is broken feed "does not really let skin" break feed "but more like diet" will my daily or shine discharge makeup, cleansing and toning, essence, face film, eye film, moisturizing, moisturizing and whitening, anti-aging, cream and so on complex and time-consuming order be simplified as much as possible.

But they killed (" al-qaeda leader, the horse bin laden), no body is thrown into the sea. Mahmoud ahmadinejad-established investigation team bad breath treatment said that, in order to find out who hit the twin towers of the world trade to the building of peace, the space plane provides the mastermind, court heard in public not to more sensible?

Sep 22, 2011

california area center for the treatment of bad breath

Presents this san francisco, california breadth centermost for the analysis of bad animation agenda an appointment, or acquirement the analysis kit or articulate irrigator. Cure halitosis cure bad animation cures abiding bad animation get bad animation accepting bad animation translates into humans affairs abroad from you it is a amusing adversity there are bad breath causes  abounding causes and treatments for this actual simple and common. Bad animation - mayoclinic.com bad animation absolute overview covers causes, analysis and blockage of halitosis. Bad animation - halitosis buzzle.com - buzzle web aperture bad animation is such a botheration that which may be actual difficult to accord with it aswell can be a above botheration for you anticipate if you are such a botheration that you are to. Bad breath: testing yourself for halitosis what causes bad animation apprentice what causes bad animation and how to amusement and anticipate it.
Bad animation even with approved abrasion and flossing, even with mints, mouthwashes and added animation fresheners, are there times if that h-h-h-horrendous h-h-h-halitosis h. Bad animation : the doctors book of home remedies ii 96 -effective bad animation solution: you can cure bad animation (also accepted as halitosis) with a simple, easy-to-make blueprint that uses a $2 admixture of accepted ingredients. How to cure bad animation - the bad animation address trusted brands for bad animation brands that focus in bad animation get rid of bad animation now. Bad animation what is bad animation bad breath, aswell accepted as halitosis, can be acquired by a array of bloom problems don t worry, your cat s animation isn t declared to smell. Bad animation (halitosis) - american dental affiliation - ada.org is your animation bad blis is a arch accustomed bad animation analysis don t let abiding bad animation blemish your lifestyle.
Bad animation & bad animation analysis overview frequently asked questions (faq) bad animation (halitosis) overview whether you alarm it bad animation or halitosis, it s an abhorrent action that s could cause for. Bad animation breach chargeless -- and how to acquaint a acquaintance overlook about bad animation articles and solutions from bad animation experts that do not plan able-bodied appropriate here, i, a above bad animation sufferer, will acknowledge the simple. Bad animation treatments: cocky analysis of halitosis and anticipate it with causes of bad breath, bad animation treatments, articulate hygiene and cocky analysis for bad breath. Bad animation - dentist.net (cnn)-- ida alvarez abhorred abutting conversations she was abashed of what anyone ability acquaint her she was appealing abiding she had absolutely bad animation it is such.
What causes bad animation some of the causes and accident factors for bad animation are foods, smoking, dry mouth, medical conditions, gum disease, and atrium conditions. 8 means to get rid of bad animation bad breath, or halitosis, can be a above problem, abnormally if you re about to bundle with your baby or buzz a antic to your acquaintance the acceptable account is that bad. Bad animation - causes and analysis on medicinenet apprentice about bad breath, its causes and how to get rid of bad animation (treatment). Bad animation causes, treatments, and blockage bad animation affects abounding humans about the apple apprentice what causes it, how to analyze it, and why we get this acrimony in our mouths.

Sep 20, 2011

hydrogen sulphide levels of oral

Also can remove attached in the teeth the above or stuffed in the teeth of the food scraps. Bad breath therapy for the treatment of these leftover food is the leading cause of bad breath one reason. Including apple, carrots and celery, etc. These vegetables and fruits help to secrete plenty saliva. Saliva not only wet mouth.

Effective to bad breath will eat this

The mouth have peculiar smell basic has the following two reasons: 1. Oral health; 2. Gastrointestinal disorders. And no matter what reason, in general. The culprit is the bacteria. If the doctor to find kouqiangke, may put forward two Suggestions: first, to eat well, also pay attention to diet balance is getting plenty of protein and carbohydrates, and rich in various vitamins vegetables and fruit; Second, after eating best brush your teeth or use dental floss your teeth. There are actually a kind of method, there are several food itself is remove bad breath too, and to prevent bad breath again produce.

6. No suffered from frequent attacks of heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux (GERD

Could be damaging to the enamel. Stir the digestive system with acid. When acid reflux back to you by hiccups and oral.

7. By no often appear vomiting symptoms?

Also may cause vomiting symptoms. But it can also be other reasons cause vomiting, because people with heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux (GERD frequent vomiting will make many digestive acids teeth. You have eating disorders such as anorexia gluttony, people. Such as pregnancy HaiXi "during treatment, after medical treatment and the complications.

The first: the celery

Especially the smell of smoke. If a hand can't find sweet celery, this herb is helpful to eliminate peculiar smell of the mouth. Parsley, mint, also can have the function of removing bad breath. In order to achieve better effect, these things to chew the longer the better, or to make tea to drink. In addition, the above several herb is good for digestion.

In the more common, constipation mouth dry throat, bitter skin is dry and wrinkly wait for a phenomenon. Pulse is fine, easy to sink and tired. The fall in a mood, so anxious blood pressure, according to a larger extent moved "dry, embellish quality" principle, the autumn diet structure should be to nourish "Yin" clear heat, thirst, dryness tranquilize the food, this time to eat a little more sesame, honey, tremella, dairy products, moist food. The spleen and stomach, don't eat cold food faint of heart, if not easy to cause the autumn dampened. Autumn air humidity, wind small big, such climate, human body sweat evaporation soon, and, at the same time, dry skin easily from the lost sweat lost a local water-soluble vitamins in, such as vitamin B, etc.

The second: yogurt

Every day the yoghurt can reduce hydrogen sulphide levels of oral, the latest studies showing. Because of this kind of material is bad breath the culprit. Drink yoghurt on time prevent the happening of the harmful bacteria in the mouth, these bacteria can cause gum disease or plaque. But only natural yogurt with this kind of effect, sugar yogurt do not rise to this effect.

The third kind of: rich in cellulose vegetables and fruit

Sep 19, 2011

Many medicine can on to a certain bacteria or disease

DuoNian, WuLiMing introduction. Clear mixture in the hospital blood detoxification mainly used for treatment DuoZhong bacterial and irritability dermatosis. Bad breath is much by oral and gastrointestinal disease, and in the stomach pylorus how to treat bad breath HP infection caused by such reasons as the traditional Chinese medicine, and is considered the gastrointestinal tract XuHuo oral and stagnation, stomach, product hot or not, the relevant food retention has been no good treatment. Think of qing blood detoxification both nourishing formula mixture cool blood, blood circulation, and to change the composition of fresh blood hot and qing blood detoxification, anti-inflammatory aperient, theoretically the effect also can effectively eliminate the bad breath.

26 years of small job interview often go to the wall, (correspondent yu Kai) because bad breath. Life is not popular. Two weeks ago, wuhan city hospital, but the doctor first offer he had a kind of skin and promptly silly eye medicine. But the doctor let him rest assured drink "is no doubt had two weeks, have never thought that the miracle of the good bad breath

In the past two years, he had to apply for a job how to treat bad breath is bad breath with little zhao4 zi3 for two years. bad breath causesOften, frustrating, because bad breath interview work life also because bad breath was not welcome. Two years, see too many hospitals, when stomach trouble, oral disease treatment is DuoCi, but haven't been improved. Two weeks ago, to the city the first hospital han west branch, attending the clinic medicine of doctor of vice director of WuLiMing detailed asked illness, eliminate organic disease, for he opened two bottles of hospital homemade qing blood detoxification, told him to take home mixture.

Contain carcinogenicity nitrite. Rotten cabbage decay and pickled cabbage in it didn't.

Are prone to a cancer-causing ability very strong material-benzopyrene. Fried foods with oil use repeatedly, barbecue food if all of barbecue food. Can also occur benzopyrene.

Drink a little zhao4 zi3 see: the clear blood detoxification treatment of skin disease but mixture is wrong medicine the doctor? Back to the hospital to fight, to put the medicine and take them home. WuLi testified, rest assured drink it, can't you come again over trifling effect. Eve, again to hospital seeking, director wu. Also brought a colleague of company.

Sep 15, 2011

ChenYan found to have such a phenomenon

Most is often stay up late, Yin deficiency pattern of physical most prone to bad breath. Main said for bad breath not serious, but time is very long, bad breath is difficult to get better, and have what form angular, lumbar debility, dry mouth dry throat, palm, symptoms such as fever to sweat. This kind of physical people can choose bolus of 6 flavour glutinous rehmannia treatment, usually also can eat more American ginseng, or with the well-known nourish "Yin" stone tea to drink.

And most of the bad breath is caused by the oral diseases such as chronic gingisitis and periodontal disease, cause bad breath for many reasons. This kind of situation the dental treatment can be significant relief.

Some special diseases such as diabetes, uremia, severe liver disease, tuberculosis, etc, in addition. Can also cause bad breath, this kind of circumstance should focus on the treatment of the disease, don't put all hopes on traditional Chinese medicine regulate.

The most advantageous position: bathroom washs his hands health slot

The best location: the ambry of around

Per square inch (four square centimeters) contain bad breath to do 3.2 million microbes, reason: study found. Brushing how to treat cold sores your teeth when washing a face these microbes easily through the toothbrush into the mouth.

2. Put shoes and pinch off shoe

Last night's still were taken away, when puffs of hot water down the slide. Times feel comfortable. A hot bath promote body sweating, subtly develop resistance, so that well adapt to the cold weather change, at least in the coldest season also won't catch a cold.

The most advantageous position: the bedroom closet health

ChenYan found to have such a phenomenon: some patients usually extremely diet, clinical. And also without any chronic disease history, still "this is why renuzit"? Originally, in addition to fever can cause bad breath outside, the body is also a virtual big reason.

Sep 13, 2011

However the metabolism of also be very strong

People always happened to little trouble, and forced the metabolism of human body also is very robust. So. For example, bad breath, how to face this problem? Today let small make up to tell you! Summer is the season of high temperature of the human body, but the metabolism of also is very exuberant.

People always to meet after being forced little trouble, so. For example, bad breath, how to face this problem? Today let small make up to tell you! For the men and women in love, bad breath "may be buried two person feeling broken fuse, this is how wrong! Learn to take care of healthy teeth, and find out the real cause of bad breath, it is very important. Oral treatment expert introduction, generally speaking, bad breath because oral health, but some people teeth every day morning and evening well, brush my teeth, but is unable to eliminate the bad breath. This causes include: smoking too much, betel nut chewing exist, constipation, not eating, liver function is not good, come from outside of the oral bacteria, such as the cause of bad breath is caused.

Photosensitive sex food: river snail 's, grey food, ZiYunYing, XueCai, lettuce, fennel, three-colored amaranth, shepherd's purse, celery, turnip leaves, spinach, buckwheat, parsley, GongHuaCao, rape, mustard, FIG, orange, lemon, mango, pineapple, etc.

The cosmetics spices: bergamot sesame oil, lemon oil, sandalwood oil, musk, ambergris, etc.; The sunscreen lotion.

From simple methods to improve bad breath, nutrition experts from view. The following advice to net friends reference:

And can make use of chlorophyll as mouthwash, 1 green drinks "against bad breath method. Every day, every day the scent charming. Gargle this green drinks can use wheat grass, alfalfa sprouts juice and barley juice as a main material, every cup of chlorophyll juice (a cup of water, 2 TBSPS chlorophyll juice) effect is good.

Regular exercise is very easy to create the local muscle strain, if DuoNian don't change exercise patterns. And there is no movement to the muscles are underdeveloped.

Is likely to make the body a disproportionate number of development. And, as time passes. From the psychological point of view, often transform exercise not only make exercise more effective and more exciting, are also more likely to persist.

And ruled out too much in the mouth of the mucosa secretion and waste. 2 eat every day 250 milligrams of vitamin C about the present market sale vitamin C a quarter. Vitamin C can help restore health gums and prevent gums bleed.

Sep 8, 2011

Whether there is a bad breath helicobacter pylori infection

Helicobacter pylori infection causes a high incidence of bad breath, how to determine whether a bad breath helicobacter pylori infection?

But according to medical conditions and personal economic situation choose diagnosis method:

A, the trauma law:

1, serologic check helicobacter pylori antibody resistance.

2, breathing experiment: accurate C13, that is the sky-but a high cost.

Second, trauma law:
She put the rest of the meat, want to thaw out in the surface layer of fat to take to cook oil, have never thought one size fits all down, he caught a whiff of a strong taste, knife cut place, also is fat and lean junction, there was a coin size black pieces. "Smell the taste, I immediately vomit." Ms liao doubt that this is disease pork, a needle, so just have so thick taste of.

1, gastroscope inspection rapid urease were determined.

2, endoscopy taken while on a biopsy to send pathology silver stain check of helicobacter pylori.

Eradication of helicobacter pylori there are many methods to treat the main drug has antibacterial drugs, antibiotics and bismuth acid agents. Must be under the guidance of choice high curative effect, side effects of small scheme for the appropriate. Along with the effective treatment of helicobacter pylori, bad breath will relieve and disappear.

If no mouth and teeth disease, first consider your family may be suffering from and helicobacter pylori infection related to the disease. Due to a highly reactive helicobacter pylori urea enzyme; It is broken down in the stomach for ammonia and urea, so bad breath carbon dioxide.
Indeed, on their way to the east "body day" pit by the rich man hired men JingZhuang, are mostly sallow and emaciated, reduce labor back. The god eight holes fairy lu dongbin smell after making cure addiction said bad breath treatment  hastily wonder, purdue beings. But a good medicine tastes bitter, and furthermore, who himself, but TianTiao offend. Then comes the immortals "hiding in ripe waxy pink pill inside, match with syrup cooked to a sweet slippery, tasty" sugar don't jilt "(took the" sugar powder stick Dan not separation "meaning), shake the body into a peddler pedal-driven vehicles from the street to the elderly man, a half sell half the market sent. They ate, and sure enough, after the opium dead hand live killed.

H. pylori infection is the main cause of chronic gastritis, is a cause of chronic peptic ulcer important reason, and the onset of chronic peptic ulcer, healing and recurrence closely related.

Helicobacter pylori infection is a worldwide problem, infection rates increase along with the age and heighten, China is in countries with high infection how to treat bad breath  rates, natural crowd infection rate was 40%-60%, h. pylori infection in chronic gastritis detection rate is 60%, 70%, 70%, 80% detection rate for gastric ulcer, ulcer for 90% detection rate of 100%. The children were also can be infected, and the susceptibility to age in 5-eight years old.

Various kinds of tried it again

But always backfire. Tried all the various methods, breath is each patient dreamed of things. But always repeatedly attack. Various kinds of tried again, or return. In fact, suit the remedy to the case? Is the key to heal bad breath.

Improve and eliminate and is not a very difficult, experts say. The key question is whether the reason check clear. Bad breath If happened to the real cause of bad breath, then found economy to take corresponding prevention and control measures, is bad breath is expected to easily solved or vanished into thin air.

Movement detoxification

To "sweat profusely" so that the toxin in the body with sweat eduction. Every week at least a serious sport.

Deep breath detoxification

And can effectively exhaled carbon dioxide. Take a deep breath after thunderstorm can swallow a lot of healthy anion. Often enlarge bosom, accept stomach breathing movement. Take a deep breath can more sucked into cells metabolism need oxygen.

Symptomatic treatment. As the saying goes, one finds out the cause. Enough already Ming, fine therapeutic. Bad breath should be the first to medical kouqiangke check if oral diseases, and with a medical doctor please comprehensive check-up, key exclude and bad breath is some of the systemic chronic disease association. Once found cause bad breath, cooperate a doctor actively for specimen and cure, is bad breath can certainly effective drive.

Insist on oral clean sanitation. This is the most effective improve the basic methods of bad breath. The bad breath should be especially adopting a good oral health routine, 2 to brush your teeth and every morning and evening after rinse your mouth. Correctly grasp timely removal methods, brushing teeth occluded in face, his teeth lip and cheek ditch the place such as the food residue, soft dirt, control the growth of bacteria, oral breed bad breath will also natural eliminate.

Treatment a

Shen shu, BaiHuan yu, times of liao, take veins, return. With different sp10, three Yin, rows into; Water-earth type with close yuan, sp9, air sea, YangLingQuan.

After acupuncture or cutem method; Water-earth type cutem method, with simple method: with different stab cutem how to treat bad breath method (. Or LiuZhen cutem method, ginger cans method, cans can heating sticks. All leave pot 15-20 minutes per day, or on the second day 1, 10 times for 1 of treatment.

Treatment method 2

Take veins, three Yin hand in. With the leucorrhea close yuan, sp10, hidden white, the high bone; Yellow with Yin valley, with hidden white, big Hector, gas the sea; Red sea, leucorrhea with gas close yuan, liao.

Gender-related courses have teeth cleaning outpatient service, 3 regular teeth cleaning in addition to bad breath. The country at present the oral cavity hospital or dental. The ultrasonic clean my teeth cleaned clean teeth among the people, has become a healthy life of a new fashion, and gradually accepted by many urbanite. The bad breath through teeth cleaning, eliminate plaque and tartar, soft dirt, to improve bad breath and prevent all have benefits. General but according to their own conditions, every six months or so teeth cleaning a advisable.

Sep 7, 2011

The smell of garlic of mouth can be eliminated

The more important to regulate the human body function of spleen and stomach and endocrine system, traditional Chinese medicine treatment: not only to remove the viscera real fire. Oral environment balance, eliminate bacteria oral. Cleaning is given priority to, for the complementary, specimen and cure, completely eliminate harmful bacteria, balanced oral oral small environmental talents from the occurrence of fundamentally eliminate bad breath.

Bad smell can eliminate. (2) the milk to division: eating garlic, 1 cup of milk drink.

Or in the mouth for a moment, (3) the brine salt water gargle law: with brine rinse your mouth. The cause of bad breath can kill bacteria.

Eliminate bad breath ten method

Especially pay attention to eliminate the remaining in the teeth meat crumbs, 1. Get the habit of gargle after dinner. This kind of protein high food is the most easy cause bad breath.

2. Usually pay attention to insist on your mouth moist, often drink water.

Should stick to each meal brushing their teeth after meals. 3. Have intractable. Bad breath

Such as periodontitis, hepatitis, a stomach bug. 4. Positive for the bad disease caused.

Enough to eat easy cause bad breath. 5. Eat don't eat too full.

Long time fasting easy to bad breath. 6. Fasting time shoulds not be too long.

Sep 5, 2011

Oral cavity mucous membrane disease and nasal throat diseases

Normal diet, BianHouYu: easy bad breath. Note with delicate primarily, diet acrimony stimulation, how to treat bad breath rough Fried foods, avoid to eat can produce peculiar smell of garlic, onion, disable blood circulation of traditional Chinese medicine of Michael essien hot. In addition to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, such as wax gourd, tomatoes, etc. Still should insist on oral clean sanitation, morning and evening, do before brushing science. Bad breath serious patients, go to a hospital in time for treatment.

16 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of folk prescription: bad breath

1 the jasmine tea right amount contained in mouth.

2 osmanthus 3 g boiling water for drinking. Frequently make tea generation

3 agastache rugosaq 10 grams water frying take the medicine juice containing rinse your mouth.

Synthetic borneol 5 g, 4 agastache rugosaq 15 g. Lotus leaf 10 grams water frying get medicine juice every on after meals rinse your mouth.

5, 6 grams each PeiLan agastache rugosaq water frying get medicine juice containing rinse your mouth.

Sweet 10 grams, 6 puerarin, agastache rugosaq, a. dahurica each 12 grams. As gongdingxiang six grams of water frying take the medicine juice containing rinse your mouth.

7 clove 2 grams including mouth.

The most important propaganda, how to prevent or control antimicrobial drug abuse? WuAnHua think. Improve the understanding. Not only citizens to improve the understanding, the doctor, pharmaceutical sales personnel will also improve the understanding, energetic understand antibacterial drugs abuse harm. Secondly, to intensify the doctors and medical practitioners business training. From personnel of high talent effective operation level of mastery of the antimicrobial use scale"

Each take 3 grams in boiling water for making tea clothing. 8 cassia twig right amount grind for fine flour.

9 forsythia six grams of grind for fine surface with the green tea a blunt.

30 grams of lotus root with in the pot, and cook until after the bad take feed, 10 LianXin 20 grams. Once per day, or a week.

Dwarf lilyturf six grams of water frying internal use, 11 cortex mori radicis, bone skin altogether, the 10 grams. Can rinse your mouth.

12 30 grams of tremella cook after bad with honey how to treat bad breath 10 ml full agitate after drinking.

The daily morning rises apply adequate amount powder brush and boiled water gargle. 13 rhubarb amount in the pan fry into carbon and synthetic borneol were grind for fine flour.

City to carry out the production and quality supervision strictly, and at the same time. Basic drugs increase production site supervision and inspection, supervision of enterprises strictly in accordance with the approved prescription and production processes, and strengthen the basic drugs production in key links and key content inspection; Basic drugs on the market after, city adverse drug reaction monitoring center pay close attention to basic adverse drug reaction of collecting summary work to do early, early, early report found evaluation and early control.

Composite asarum 10 grams of grind for fine flour. 3 times a day YaoMian take 1 g including mouth. 14 grass nutmeg 30 grams.

Green beans with 20 g after cooked eat lotus root and green bean soup. Once per day, and lotus root section 10 grams. Repeat a week.

Filter the juice of internal, 16 bai luobo 20 grams boiled lousy join mint 16 grams of tumbling into the namely with a little. Once per day.

As interpersonal thoroughfare

Oral often happened most is the body heat cause fire product. Traditional Chinese medicine thinks.

Can follow traditional Chinese medicine to build together. Oral ruddy, fresh breath, the gum health also is the external sexy image. Oral sex appeal in traditional Chinese medicine were studied.

"Fire" oral health

In addition to ordinary interpersonal communication, as interpersonal thoroughfare "of oral health and pure and fresh and is first reputation. Of course. Oral will shoulder" love of exchange "mission. In this sense, the oral cavity is the most sexy body organs of love, and a kiss.

Put a long about 2 meters, width 1 meter pancake processor, the opposite of flour. Huge roller on the batter from time to time will stick in the roller in the appearance, after a period of rolling heating, from roller from to a bamboo on chopping board, a young women workers used the knife cut, and then fall in pancake next to the tray.

Still hope in the image on the mutual attraction, even for genuine feeling drunk. For example ruddy lips, aromatic tone, let a person feel in the grab a little flower. So you see, and have a good oral need has been increased to sexy level

Through a two weeks of scientific brush my teeth can solve the most basic, gum problems begin. And if the development stages of the disease, the treatment to more troublesome, and it might not cheap.

Myth: attention to ignore periodontal disease caries.

No bleeding phenomenon "according to the standard, the world health organization make the oral health standard is clean; no teeth caries; no pain; gum color normal. Dental caries just four standard, and one of the" no pain "and" gum color normal, no bleeding phenomenon "two specifications should point to the teeth of soil environmental periodontal health". But in many people's eyes, a mention love teeth "is refers to prevent tooth decay.

Learning a lot of knowledge, in order to make healthy mouth. Brush your teeth three times, each time every day for three minutes, half year washing a tooth, patch cavities, equipped with a full set of clean oral tools... Can say has been perfect, but still have problems caused by mouth, from time to time give you in trouble.

External factors affect it internal body unwell will also reflected in the mouth. Up Do I need to put all the work again? Of course not external clean is put to "watch" but more important to "this" don't forget to oral cavity is in and outside the channels.

Aug 31, 2011

After HP infection would create sulfide

The radical Chinese medicine theory to acme, between Beijing dragon hospital of traditional Chinese medicine oral expert group after decades' study. Inventive developed "countries of traditional Chinese medicine a row dragon clear therapy" a complete reversal of treatment at home and abroad problem. Bad breath The century-old let in on a breakthrough for all the raised eyebrows. Since the advent has changed since the fate of hundreds of thousands of patients with bad breath, also be hundreds of patients with bad breath the vaunted features one of the therapy.

1 mint porridge

Into the pot and right amount water to boil, fresh mint leaves will be 30 grams (dried 15 g) wash. Abandon slag take juice to use. Will japonica rice 50 grams net, and an appropriate amount of clean water to m ripe, add the mint juice, boil can be eaten.

Old people first teeth from old, they say. Fall off of many, still save less. Dental and cancer, cardiovascular disease and the harmful to human health three diseases. Survey, more than 95% of people more or less will have dental, 10 over 60 will have a full of no teeth. Experts think, if I mouth can well protect teeth, 80 years old, in your mouth will also have 20 teeth.

Must focus from the oral hygiene, began to daily life. Careful to protect your teeth, always pay attention to your oral health. Now called for maintenance, but also ignore other teeth many serious of oral diseases, people on the oral health know the existence of a lot of errors.

Error: a toothache only to go to see the doctor

People are often a toothache the remembered that go to see the doctor, experts said. The lack of a lifetime maintenance and cure is not ill concept. People generally aware that dental is not a serious illness, always have a cook on the past

2 MaiMenDong porridge

Into the pot, add water to suffering will MaiMenDong 2030 grams wash. Abandon slag get medicine juice to use. 50100 grams net into tao japonica rice aluminum pot, add water right amount, again will MaiMenDong juice and rock sugar with right amount into the pot, buy WuHuo burning boiling, simmer for cooked become namely.

A pancake a sour taste

According to Mr. Wang's address reporters provide, August 14, early at about 8. Find NingYuanZhen area is located in anshan mountains to the north, the village XiuLiPu a bicycle by a small bungalow.

Get into the house. A sour smell the nose, a reporter at the entrance of the gate of door curtain. Reporter beneath your feet in the mud, almost slipped, walking in the door left a steel shelves, just hold the body, but are caught a palm of phlegm attachments.

3 agastache rugosaq porridge

In aluminum pan (must use aluminum pot) water for 5 minutes, will be 15 grams (XianPin agastache rugosaq 30 grams) wash. Abandon slag take juice to use. Then 50 grams net, tao japonica rice into the pot and add water to moderate, buy WuHuo boiling and then burned, and simmer for cooking porridge, to join it agastache rugosaq juice, and boil can be eaten.

Some people think that many brush my teeth chewing gum can solve a problem, usually. Actually otherwise. Beijing countries dragon hospital of traditional Chinese medicine experts LiuGuoYing oral professor noted that: bad breath is human body other disease comorbid symptoms, didn't pinpoint the cause is hard to simple rely on folk prescription diet and the methods can be cured.

Aug 29, 2011

Bring you star smile

A dry wash water and then painted in new nail polish. Otherwise, with nail polish is touch to refute, very ugly? Professional nail salon workers suggestion is must use wash armour water to wash the nails the completely color. The nail color between the embarrassment of off color.

2 toothpaste treat herpes:

You might try, London's famous toothpaste skin experts ArezooKaviani said: if you got cold sores. And heal the wound of analgesia effective.

3 ice milk relieve burnt:

And then into a clean piece of cloth. Will completely wet cloth apply is in burns or dry ice water, the position of pain will be with a and milk than the proportion of a hybrid. Can relieve skin pain.

Gastrointestinal performance in the earliest and most uremia often appear of the early symptoms. In a anorexia, abdominal discomfort. For after complaints, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, glossitis, mouth and urine stink and oral mucosa decay, and even a gastrointestinal hemorrhage, etc.

Shut up and in the tip of the bag, "tone of the method: around two palms fold and harvest closed bowl shape. And then to the ShuangZhang gathered in breath and then use the nose, can smell the smell of his mouth how

Often come up against the other, man with bad breath in social communication. Make each other very embarrassed, the social effect big give discount the man why bad breath? Bad breath reasons.

Spirit, two. The nervous system, said listlessness, faint, dizziness, headache, memory deficits, insomnia, can have limb pins and needles, burn the brotherhood and skin itch, even lower limb urticant painful to endure, must always move, can't rest mode, terminal can appear sleepiness, be agitated, ZhanYu, muscle and even convulsions, shivering, coma convulsions.

The cardiovascular system said often increased blood pressure, three. Temporary high blood pressure can make left ventricular hypertrophy expansion, the myocardial injury, heart failure, retention of toxic chemicals can cause cold sores myocardial injury, happen uremia sex pericarditis.

Hematopoietic system anemia is uremia patients said some symptoms. In addition to anemia will still easily bleeding, the four. Such as subcutaneous bruises, BiNv, gum bleeds, black and etc.

4 a: clean disinfection tablets

Then fingernail in about 10 minutes, the famous MarianNewman nail salon workers clean a secret recipe is incredibly baby disinfection tablets. Will the baby disinfection tablets dissolve in warm water. So simple.

5 save nail polish:

Will nail polish on water, idle nail polish a frozen, becomes thicker? Don't worry. You can resume previous thin slippery  how to treat bad breath sense. After you use don't forget to put cold sores it in the freezer, so that the next time you use of the time will not in trouble

6 olive oil baby oil discharge lip makeup:

But not completely discharge makeup will cause and weather-shack, labial ministry with wrinkles. Cotton can stick with olive oil or baby oil discharge to lipstick and lipstick is beautiful. The effect is very good.

7 to nail polish off:

Aug 25, 2011

The heart heart visceral functions disorder

Can enhance feelings. If you are being bad breath and distress, fresh breath will make them feel comfortable. The following 5 method can be fast odor removal methods. If is the digestive tract diseases caused by bad breath, or to the hospital if we. Cause bad breath reason mainly have three, one is temporary food scraps stored up, bacteria under the function of fermentation corruption decomposition, happen unpleasant smell; 2 it is periodontal disease, dental caries cause bad smell. Three is suffering from a digestive disorders, such as the lack of dynamic, digestive bad stomach.

Wish overnight has delicate skin, their robes for seeking beauty of the need for MM. But white is a gradual process, the genetic and chronic, diet, physical and mental health, and the external environment, insolation, etc DuoZhong factors, want to become an overnight Snow White is not possible

Very may contain mercury or benzene 2 phenol of composition, those claims could whiten spot to protect skin to taste. 10 million be careful, these components will greatly hurt you skin; If you really can't help, want to try to change skin acidity, or laser spot and whitening method, be to professional hospital or beauty salon.

Below 5 methods can help you solve: if the first two reasons cause bad breath.

Or use tone pure and fresh agent. 1 chewed chewing gum.

Can be antiseptic antiphlogistic; Or make a bubble water to drink with fresh. 2 with weak brine rinse your mouth after the meal.

Chew the longer the better, 3 chewing parsley, tea or peanut. Can make its own peculiar smell decomposition into, can purify full breath.

Drink a cup of can odor removal. 4 milk or in boiling water with some mint or fresh lemon juice.

In addition, 5 eat tomatoes, grapefruit, dates, orange. Chew orange peel can also eliminate peculiar smell.

The woman gave birth to a son of little meet the need of a lover, secondly, psychological. When she left all energy, pay attention to and love focused on this "little man" will ease on on the outside of desire, but also reduce the chance of by temptation. Gave birth to daughter of woman, the psychological hopes to find some feeling will be weak.

The social reality, again. Born daughter woman born son than life pressure of the woman a little bit small. All the living bad breath treatment  expenses of the interest rates are low, not like some of the women born son, to make money, buy a house with hard grief property, recruiting, whether children or parents on old "voluntary" do cattle and horse "sacrifice, need to spend more effort. And the mother of his daughter was born, most girl grew up also can help her mother do housework, share GuLei, a woman like this nature more moist some and then had the stomach to escape.

To the effects of the treatment, good oral treatment experts remind: because the cause of bad breath caused by different. Necessary because of the person and appropriate syndrome differentiation and treatment. Oral cavity mucous membrane in clinical disease is a kind of common disease, frequently-occurring disease. Because of illness complicated, each different, it is easy to be misdiagnosed patient symptoms. At present commonly used method for clinical symptomatic treatment, that is most the anti-inflammatory pain, control the disease more choose hormones, such as strong to loose, dexamethasone) and immune suppression method such as dissolve cellulose. But the treatment effect is not ideal, and side effects of larger, and the recurrence rate is high, often make patient has lost the confidence of the treatment of disease, and shall be no hope of recovery.

Tartar can damage gum nipple and periodontal tissue

The cause of bad breath is the bacterium of sulfide happened back growth, reproduction tongue most people with bad breath is not actually the gum disease. And the general brush my teeth can't completely put these bacteria drive in.

Must brush to the back of the tongue. If the tongue is pink so the tongue is a clean if tongue have white film, disposal method with a toothbrush every day or tongue scrub brush lightly tongue back. It means the millions of bacteria growth there; a And a yellow, thick coating on the person, can also use has antiphlogistic preservative effect of mouthwash, after dinner with you.

In the gut to water and toxins inclusive, often eat eat more whole grains and rich in cellulose of fruits and vegetables. Cellulose is the best clear bowel aperient agent. And promote purge. Purge vegetables are: spinach, TongHao, three-colored amaranth, Chinese cabbage, handline cucumis melo, potatoes, potato, pumpkins, bamboo shoots.

Brush my teeth,

Chew food easily when stored up scraps, if the area of the upper plate contact tooth flesh gap is too big. Plus temporary don't take down upper plate clean bad habits, is prone to bad breath, and cause periodontitis.

With a toothbrush and toothpaste DuoCi cleaning (can only use cool water can't use hot water disposal method, thus the necessary after each meal out. The more can't use boiled water, in order to avoid the upper plate deformation to remove dirt and stains). D.

In cold water container with the cup of immersion, learn education network collects and puts out every night before sleeping sides-their clean. To finish brush teeth after the morning again went up with. But don't use ethanol, and other chemical solution for sterilization.

All use after acupuncture cutem method, method: in addition to the hidden white. First with acupuncture (replenishing method, leucorrhea HuangDaiYong diarrhea method, leucorrhea with red nourishing ping xie method) after sting cutem 15 to 20 minutes. As for the leucorrhea sticks, cans can add. Hidden white only not to pull out cans. Acupuncture The daily or on the second day 1, 10 times for 1 of treatment.

Gastroscope inspection rapid urease were determined

The main drugs have antibacterial drugs, antibiotics and bismuth acid agents. Must be under the guidance of bad breath causeschoice high curative effect, side effects of small scheme for the appropr iate. As of the effective treatment, helicobacter pylori eradication of helicobacter pylori therapy for the treatment of many. Bad breath will relieve and disappear.

First consider your family may be suffering from and helicobacter pylori infection related to the disease. Due to a highly reactive helicobacter pylori urea enzyme; It is broken down in the stomach for ammonia and carbon dioxide, urea if no mouth and teeth lesions. So bad breath.

The elderly are prone to qi deficiency of Yin and Yang of the situation, the deficit in the scorching solar terms. May appear days and would not, not the night blind less sleep, so old man's house in this time phenomenon more to insist on a nap of good habit.

The so-called "son nap" is in house, noon sleep every day. The ancients in sleep sleep "regimen emphasize the importance of" son nap.

Cause of chronic peptic ulcer important reason, h. pylori infection is the main cause of chronic gastritis. With the onset of chronic peptic ulcer, healing and recurrence closely related.

Infection rates increase along with the age and heighten, helicobacter pylori infection is a worldwide problem. China is infection rates in countries with high natural crowd, infection rate was 40% 60% of helicobacter pylori in chronic gastritis detection rate is 60% 70% detection rate is 70% 80% gastric ulcer for 90% 100% detection rate duodenal ulcer. Children can be infected, susceptibility in 58 years old age.

Main between people is the mouth-the way this disease, mouth convey have spread sex. A family gathered phenomenon, there can be spread in the family may be.

These women oral vitamin B6 and vitamin B1 each 250 MG twice daily, Turkey's researchers also aimed at 25 pregnant women on a found vitamin B6 and vitamin B1 to pregnant women into the leg effect. 6 weeks of study midterm, all pregnant women completely without any sign of poor nutrition, including 10 pregnant women leg spasms disappear completely.

How to judge helicobacter pylori infection? (1) the blood check the pylorus screw antibody; (2) the experiment; breathing C13, that is the sky (3) gastroscope inspection gastric mucosa tissue from check of helicobacter pylori.

Drug or medicine, antibiotics and bismuth acid agents. But must be under the guidance of choice high curative effect, side effects of small scheme. A lot of methods for eradication of helicobacter pylori.

Every day they are very serious brush your teeth

About 10 people have 2 have or light or heavy bad breath. And in the old, a real life. The higher the risk of bad breath, every 10 people in four had bad breath. Bad breath chance of developing the disease, although high but not unable to prevent

Various pathogen free in air, dry climate. It's easy for people to breathe the mouth, often gargle, but clean oral health, to prevent diseases purpose

Every day in the morning and evening outside China, in addition to brush your teeth bad breath therapy nets expert advice. Should also be removed 2 hours and a mouth, especially after dinner must gargle, with 68 times every day for appropriate. Don't gargle why or easy bad breath?

This will cause the cause of bad breath from the start. Bad breath and viscera function mainly about this dysfunction, actually. In addition, still and oral diseases, and even if there is no relationship between oral diseases, but the mouth if often have food scraps, also may cause of bad breath

By this time Yin and Yang cheng extremely fades, the heliospheric just is the turn of the Yin and Yang. The blood happen imbalance that so necessary in repose.

At noon the most sympathetic to the human body 1200100 the period of time of fatigue. The two time can best into sleep. To 4 in the morning for various organs in the body function to its lowest.

Food waste and meat crumbs into the teeth will, like. The decomposition of the bacteria in the oral cavity, fermentation, corruption and produce stink. And in half a day after brushing is unable to eliminate this through the taste of corruption

And don't get bad breath patients take seriously. Prevention and breath from these seemingly the most simple and but do important details, and often start this simple mechanical action. For not gargle may lead to the cause of bad breath, from now on, serious rinse your mouth!

For the reason of work and study, the society is an open society. Need to be involved in all kinds of social activities. And students, friends, colleagues, and the party when talking to customers, and his close communication between. This work can put aside at ordinary times depressed, and the environment, if ideas was found I had bad breath, that it really makes such a wet blanket. Not only destroyed the sort of relaxed, happy atmosphere, and will bring you embarrassed, but also to bring the happy each other.

This is due to the fetus will learn from these nutrients priority relationship, pregnant women vitamin B6 and vitamin B1 concentration in pregnancy will decrease. All pregnant women in addition to the need to supplement vitamin B6 and vitamin B1 more dose every day at least, it should be added 500 MG magnesium, may protect against pregnancy edema, leg spasms, pregnancy and reduce nausea level and was pregnant with The Times of sex of vomiting disease.

Every 100 MG vitamin B6 for PMS (headache, swelling, weight gain, abdominal pain, lose energy) and before the depression may also be beneficial. In addition.

That I can't and close contact with friends, because bad breath. Even in always spoke in cocked his head to the other party is not; Because the cause of bad breath, always let me avoid all kinds of collective activity, slowly and friends far;

Aug 24, 2011

Lung of angry machine promotes for the drop

The cause of bad breath
In its mouth to bacterium, a, oral diseases: with dental caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, oral cavity mucous membrane inflammation and tooth decay and gum disease of oral diseases. Especially, the decomposition happened 60 out a sulfide, the smell of corruption, and produce bad breath.
Such as peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis, functional indigestion, two, gastrointestinal diseases. All may be associated with bad breath. Recently, also found that lead to many stomach disease, its bad breath helicobacter pylori infected with HIV incidence of infections, and significantly higher than not eradicating helicobacter pylori, bad breath significantly reduce symptoms. The reasons may be helicobacter pylori infection occurred directly caused sulfide, bad breath.
Or hobby stinky tofu, smelly egg that has bad smell food, three, smoking, alcohol consumption, drink coffee and and often eat green, garlic, leeks and spicy food comfort. Also easily occurs bad breath.
Or due to illness can't eat, four, go on a diet. Or the salivary glands of the function is reduced, the old women in menstrual period appear the endocrine disorder and lead to saliva is secreted decrease, anaerobic bacteria growth, so happened to bad breath.
Ovarian function is not complete, five, the young girl bad breath: some in youth development period of women. Sex hormone level is low, oral cavity tissue, easy to bacteria infection down resistance to happen bad breath.
Poria cocos 30 grams, health raise a point: the spleen deficiency should be taking "red jujube poria cocos porridge" it is a big red jujube 20 eggs. 100 grams of japonica rice. Will wash to nuclear dividing red jujube, poria cocos dolly, and japonica rice cooked porridge, generation of early meals. But moist skin, improve skin elasticity and gloss, rise to nurture the hairdressing action.
4. Lung and appearance
The human body through the lung qi and transforming, dispersing pertains lung Lord fur. Lung of angry machine promotes for the drop. Make of qi, blood, body fluid to spread the whole body. If the lung function disorder, the skin is dry days, gaunt and pale.
And some respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, bronchiectasis, sinusitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, pulmonary cyst, seven, diabetes TongZheng acidosis, hepatic coma patients. It can also cause bad breath. [medical education online collection arrangement]
Because of the body produces harmful material in can't eject, eight, temporary constipation. Be absorbed into the bloodstream and cause bad breath and abdominal distension, anorexia, irritability and autologous poisoning symptoms.
Aroma, light more, nine, lack of dinner too "heavy" overeating or eating meat, rich food is too large or proportion of Michael essien hot sauce dosage is too large. Comfort sex Dinner is apart from sleep time too short, when sleeping in the stomach retain too much food, and so on.
Reflective digestive gland to appear the psychological pressure, ten, too, regular tension to cause the body parasympathetic nerve in exalted position. Especially salivary gland secretion decline, causing dry mouth, so as to facilitate the anaerobic bacteria growth, and produce bad breath. Some of the digestive system disease, such as helicobacter pylori infection might allow is active oxygen, or occurred directly caused sulfide, bad breath.