Aug 25, 2011

The heart heart visceral functions disorder

Can enhance feelings. If you are being bad breath and distress, fresh breath will make them feel comfortable. The following 5 method can be fast odor removal methods. If is the digestive tract diseases caused by bad breath, or to the hospital if we. Cause bad breath reason mainly have three, one is temporary food scraps stored up, bacteria under the function of fermentation corruption decomposition, happen unpleasant smell; 2 it is periodontal disease, dental caries cause bad smell. Three is suffering from a digestive disorders, such as the lack of dynamic, digestive bad stomach.

Wish overnight has delicate skin, their robes for seeking beauty of the need for MM. But white is a gradual process, the genetic and chronic, diet, physical and mental health, and the external environment, insolation, etc DuoZhong factors, want to become an overnight Snow White is not possible

Very may contain mercury or benzene 2 phenol of composition, those claims could whiten spot to protect skin to taste. 10 million be careful, these components will greatly hurt you skin; If you really can't help, want to try to change skin acidity, or laser spot and whitening method, be to professional hospital or beauty salon.

Below 5 methods can help you solve: if the first two reasons cause bad breath.

Or use tone pure and fresh agent. 1 chewed chewing gum.

Can be antiseptic antiphlogistic; Or make a bubble water to drink with fresh. 2 with weak brine rinse your mouth after the meal.

Chew the longer the better, 3 chewing parsley, tea or peanut. Can make its own peculiar smell decomposition into, can purify full breath.

Drink a cup of can odor removal. 4 milk or in boiling water with some mint or fresh lemon juice.

In addition, 5 eat tomatoes, grapefruit, dates, orange. Chew orange peel can also eliminate peculiar smell.

The woman gave birth to a son of little meet the need of a lover, secondly, psychological. When she left all energy, pay attention to and love focused on this "little man" will ease on on the outside of desire, but also reduce the chance of by temptation. Gave birth to daughter of woman, the psychological hopes to find some feeling will be weak.

The social reality, again. Born daughter woman born son than life pressure of the woman a little bit small. All the living bad breath treatment  expenses of the interest rates are low, not like some of the women born son, to make money, buy a house with hard grief property, recruiting, whether children or parents on old "voluntary" do cattle and horse "sacrifice, need to spend more effort. And the mother of his daughter was born, most girl grew up also can help her mother do housework, share GuLei, a woman like this nature more moist some and then had the stomach to escape.

To the effects of the treatment, good oral treatment experts remind: because the cause of bad breath caused by different. Necessary because of the person and appropriate syndrome differentiation and treatment. Oral cavity mucous membrane in clinical disease is a kind of common disease, frequently-occurring disease. Because of illness complicated, each different, it is easy to be misdiagnosed patient symptoms. At present commonly used method for clinical symptomatic treatment, that is most the anti-inflammatory pain, control the disease more choose hormones, such as strong to loose, dexamethasone) and immune suppression method such as dissolve cellulose. But the treatment effect is not ideal, and side effects of larger, and the recurrence rate is high, often make patient has lost the confidence of the treatment of disease, and shall be no hope of recovery.

Tartar can damage gum nipple and periodontal tissue

The cause of bad breath is the bacterium of sulfide happened back growth, reproduction tongue most people with bad breath is not actually the gum disease. And the general brush my teeth can't completely put these bacteria drive in.

Must brush to the back of the tongue. If the tongue is pink so the tongue is a clean if tongue have white film, disposal method with a toothbrush every day or tongue scrub brush lightly tongue back. It means the millions of bacteria growth there; a And a yellow, thick coating on the person, can also use has antiphlogistic preservative effect of mouthwash, after dinner with you.

In the gut to water and toxins inclusive, often eat eat more whole grains and rich in cellulose of fruits and vegetables. Cellulose is the best clear bowel aperient agent. And promote purge. Purge vegetables are: spinach, TongHao, three-colored amaranth, Chinese cabbage, handline cucumis melo, potatoes, potato, pumpkins, bamboo shoots.

Brush my teeth,

Chew food easily when stored up scraps, if the area of the upper plate contact tooth flesh gap is too big. Plus temporary don't take down upper plate clean bad habits, is prone to bad breath, and cause periodontitis.

With a toothbrush and toothpaste DuoCi cleaning (can only use cool water can't use hot water disposal method, thus the necessary after each meal out. The more can't use boiled water, in order to avoid the upper plate deformation to remove dirt and stains). D.

In cold water container with the cup of immersion, learn education network collects and puts out every night before sleeping sides-their clean. To finish brush teeth after the morning again went up with. But don't use ethanol, and other chemical solution for sterilization.

All use after acupuncture cutem method, method: in addition to the hidden white. First with acupuncture (replenishing method, leucorrhea HuangDaiYong diarrhea method, leucorrhea with red nourishing ping xie method) after sting cutem 15 to 20 minutes. As for the leucorrhea sticks, cans can add. Hidden white only not to pull out cans. Acupuncture The daily or on the second day 1, 10 times for 1 of treatment.

Gastroscope inspection rapid urease were determined

The main drugs have antibacterial drugs, antibiotics and bismuth acid agents. Must be under the guidance of bad breath causeschoice high curative effect, side effects of small scheme for the appropr iate. As of the effective treatment, helicobacter pylori eradication of helicobacter pylori therapy for the treatment of many. Bad breath will relieve and disappear.

First consider your family may be suffering from and helicobacter pylori infection related to the disease. Due to a highly reactive helicobacter pylori urea enzyme; It is broken down in the stomach for ammonia and carbon dioxide, urea if no mouth and teeth lesions. So bad breath.

The elderly are prone to qi deficiency of Yin and Yang of the situation, the deficit in the scorching solar terms. May appear days and would not, not the night blind less sleep, so old man's house in this time phenomenon more to insist on a nap of good habit.

The so-called "son nap" is in house, noon sleep every day. The ancients in sleep sleep "regimen emphasize the importance of" son nap.

Cause of chronic peptic ulcer important reason, h. pylori infection is the main cause of chronic gastritis. With the onset of chronic peptic ulcer, healing and recurrence closely related.

Infection rates increase along with the age and heighten, helicobacter pylori infection is a worldwide problem. China is infection rates in countries with high natural crowd, infection rate was 40% 60% of helicobacter pylori in chronic gastritis detection rate is 60% 70% detection rate is 70% 80% gastric ulcer for 90% 100% detection rate duodenal ulcer. Children can be infected, susceptibility in 58 years old age.

Main between people is the mouth-the way this disease, mouth convey have spread sex. A family gathered phenomenon, there can be spread in the family may be.

These women oral vitamin B6 and vitamin B1 each 250 MG twice daily, Turkey's researchers also aimed at 25 pregnant women on a found vitamin B6 and vitamin B1 to pregnant women into the leg effect. 6 weeks of study midterm, all pregnant women completely without any sign of poor nutrition, including 10 pregnant women leg spasms disappear completely.

How to judge helicobacter pylori infection? (1) the blood check the pylorus screw antibody; (2) the experiment; breathing C13, that is the sky (3) gastroscope inspection gastric mucosa tissue from check of helicobacter pylori.

Drug or medicine, antibiotics and bismuth acid agents. But must be under the guidance of choice high curative effect, side effects of small scheme. A lot of methods for eradication of helicobacter pylori.

Every day they are very serious brush your teeth

About 10 people have 2 have or light or heavy bad breath. And in the old, a real life. The higher the risk of bad breath, every 10 people in four had bad breath. Bad breath chance of developing the disease, although high but not unable to prevent

Various pathogen free in air, dry climate. It's easy for people to breathe the mouth, often gargle, but clean oral health, to prevent diseases purpose

Every day in the morning and evening outside China, in addition to brush your teeth bad breath therapy nets expert advice. Should also be removed 2 hours and a mouth, especially after dinner must gargle, with 68 times every day for appropriate. Don't gargle why or easy bad breath?

This will cause the cause of bad breath from the start. Bad breath and viscera function mainly about this dysfunction, actually. In addition, still and oral diseases, and even if there is no relationship between oral diseases, but the mouth if often have food scraps, also may cause of bad breath

By this time Yin and Yang cheng extremely fades, the heliospheric just is the turn of the Yin and Yang. The blood happen imbalance that so necessary in repose.

At noon the most sympathetic to the human body 1200100 the period of time of fatigue. The two time can best into sleep. To 4 in the morning for various organs in the body function to its lowest.

Food waste and meat crumbs into the teeth will, like. The decomposition of the bacteria in the oral cavity, fermentation, corruption and produce stink. And in half a day after brushing is unable to eliminate this through the taste of corruption

And don't get bad breath patients take seriously. Prevention and breath from these seemingly the most simple and but do important details, and often start this simple mechanical action. For not gargle may lead to the cause of bad breath, from now on, serious rinse your mouth!

For the reason of work and study, the society is an open society. Need to be involved in all kinds of social activities. And students, friends, colleagues, and the party when talking to customers, and his close communication between. This work can put aside at ordinary times depressed, and the environment, if ideas was found I had bad breath, that it really makes such a wet blanket. Not only destroyed the sort of relaxed, happy atmosphere, and will bring you embarrassed, but also to bring the happy each other.

This is due to the fetus will learn from these nutrients priority relationship, pregnant women vitamin B6 and vitamin B1 concentration in pregnancy will decrease. All pregnant women in addition to the need to supplement vitamin B6 and vitamin B1 more dose every day at least, it should be added 500 MG magnesium, may protect against pregnancy edema, leg spasms, pregnancy and reduce nausea level and was pregnant with The Times of sex of vomiting disease.

Every 100 MG vitamin B6 for PMS (headache, swelling, weight gain, abdominal pain, lose energy) and before the depression may also be beneficial. In addition.

That I can't and close contact with friends, because bad breath. Even in always spoke in cocked his head to the other party is not; Because the cause of bad breath, always let me avoid all kinds of collective activity, slowly and friends far;

Aug 24, 2011

Lung of angry machine promotes for the drop

The cause of bad breath
In its mouth to bacterium, a, oral diseases: with dental caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, oral cavity mucous membrane inflammation and tooth decay and gum disease of oral diseases. Especially, the decomposition happened 60 out a sulfide, the smell of corruption, and produce bad breath.
Such as peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis, functional indigestion, two, gastrointestinal diseases. All may be associated with bad breath. Recently, also found that lead to many stomach disease, its bad breath helicobacter pylori infected with HIV incidence of infections, and significantly higher than not eradicating helicobacter pylori, bad breath significantly reduce symptoms. The reasons may be helicobacter pylori infection occurred directly caused sulfide, bad breath.
Or hobby stinky tofu, smelly egg that has bad smell food, three, smoking, alcohol consumption, drink coffee and and often eat green, garlic, leeks and spicy food comfort. Also easily occurs bad breath.
Or due to illness can't eat, four, go on a diet. Or the salivary glands of the function is reduced, the old women in menstrual period appear the endocrine disorder and lead to saliva is secreted decrease, anaerobic bacteria growth, so happened to bad breath.
Ovarian function is not complete, five, the young girl bad breath: some in youth development period of women. Sex hormone level is low, oral cavity tissue, easy to bacteria infection down resistance to happen bad breath.
Poria cocos 30 grams, health raise a point: the spleen deficiency should be taking "red jujube poria cocos porridge" it is a big red jujube 20 eggs. 100 grams of japonica rice. Will wash to nuclear dividing red jujube, poria cocos dolly, and japonica rice cooked porridge, generation of early meals. But moist skin, improve skin elasticity and gloss, rise to nurture the hairdressing action.
4. Lung and appearance
The human body through the lung qi and transforming, dispersing pertains lung Lord fur. Lung of angry machine promotes for the drop. Make of qi, blood, body fluid to spread the whole body. If the lung function disorder, the skin is dry days, gaunt and pale.
And some respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, bronchiectasis, sinusitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, pulmonary cyst, seven, diabetes TongZheng acidosis, hepatic coma patients. It can also cause bad breath. [medical education online collection arrangement]
Because of the body produces harmful material in can't eject, eight, temporary constipation. Be absorbed into the bloodstream and cause bad breath and abdominal distension, anorexia, irritability and autologous poisoning symptoms.
Aroma, light more, nine, lack of dinner too "heavy" overeating or eating meat, rich food is too large or proportion of Michael essien hot sauce dosage is too large. Comfort sex Dinner is apart from sleep time too short, when sleeping in the stomach retain too much food, and so on.
Reflective digestive gland to appear the psychological pressure, ten, too, regular tension to cause the body parasympathetic nerve in exalted position. Especially salivary gland secretion decline, causing dry mouth, so as to facilitate the anaerobic bacteria growth, and produce bad breath. Some of the digestive system disease, such as helicobacter pylori infection might allow is active oxygen, or occurred directly caused sulfide, bad breath.

Lung and stomach to attack on fermented, bad breath

Quick breath method. Bad breath friend can try these methods, through the above content, introduces the bad breath should know how to care. Effect is good
Principle: clear away heat, purging fire
Licorice 5 g, agent-aloe tonga minus: aloe 10 grams. Dwarf lilyturf 10 grams, SangZhi 10 grams, herbaceous peony 10 grams, platycodon bad breath treatment grandiflorum 6 g, mint 5 g, watercress 10 grams, Montenegro mast 10 grams, yulan magnolia flower bud 10 grams.
Red, swollen gums, 2. WeiHuo burning filled: disease see bad breath, dry mouth. Back GuShan hunger, red tongue moss huang jin, pulse slide for less.
Principle: purging fire away heat
Origin of 20 g, agent-the pure stomach addition and subtraction: huang2 lian2 6 grams scattered. Dan skin, lamp 10 grams, Sue infarction 10 grams, XiJiao 20 grams (first Fried)
Urinate short red, 3. Im setting real hot: disease see constipation bad breath. Upset, and red tongue moss yellow or yellow dry, pulse slippery number.
Yin principle: clear heat purge
Root of herbaceous peony 10 grams, agent-the little bear gas tonga flavour: born rhubarb 15 g. Of frutus aurantii immaturus were 10 grams, magnolia officinalis 10 grams, lamp 10 grams, origin of 20 g, betelnut 10 grams.
Too much sleep easy lead to bad breath. 8. Sleep time shoulds not be too long.
Do more than 10 deep breaths, 9. Every time before dinner. Help to prevent the occurrence of bad breath.
Eat more fruit can help prevent or reduce bad breath. 10. Two meal before.

In fact most of the cause of bad breath is caused because of illness

So get a good living habits are very important. With the cause of bad breath and may be due to the day before yesterday evening never to how to treat bad breath  brush your teeth.
So once appear bad breath, if people with suppurative tonsillitis maxillar sinus,, dental caries, periodontitis, my teeth all diseases such as possible bad breath. Had better be to hospital immediately check, can remove these disease is best.
If mouth occur within a smelly mouth or gas use of traditional Chinese medicine, bitter countries think. Are largely due to WeiHuo partial quickly, warm, food to delay. The main reason is because alcohol, tobacco knowingly bored of growing food caused, temporary this dessert is eating habits lead to indigestion, or refractory constipation.
The catering industry for new staff training is necessary for some directly engaged in the cooking of the kitchen staff after it, the food and drug administration insiders said. Wearing wigs is necessary to prevent scurf, so will fall into the hair, food.
Climate comfortable, because of its long in California. Sunshine, compared with domestic lemon in full more fresh; The choose and buy when salmon fingers gently press application salmon, fish don't tight, down on not immediately restore salmon, is not fresh said. For salmon is not eaten raw, particularly, fish, for pregnant women raw food because of different pointed severe abdominal pain caused nematode infection and allergies.
Wake up in the morning will find bad breath stench, most people with very habitual constipation crowd. This is because the stomach and intestinal lodge in damp and hot to consider. So this kind of person in the wake up in the morning just as well for a cup of water, so as to maintain defecate usually.

56.3% of the people have different levels of bad breath disease

Social networking sites is undoubtedly embarrassing gens. Knowing it is a social big, when a person an openings will have peculiar smell. Still can't free, is one of the social life of civilization bitterness. Care for his family and friends may offer active advice he used traditional Chinese medicine toothpaste, chewing tea and so on, but most of the people in the bad breath causes use of bad these so-called eliminate bad breath method, bad breath still exist after many people think that may be stored up food around teeth scale problems, and the use of ultrasonic vibration clean teeth cleaning teeth, but also the most can't effective. In fact the root cause of bad breath disease has nothing to do with the most. So although patients how to convert Chinese medicine toothpaste, cleaning teeth, bad breath can remove.
Bad breath disease most acute or chronic disease from human viscera, bad breath disease causes what is? The medical profession think. Need by differentiation. Bad breath smelled, to find out the cause, early treatment.
TCM holds that lead to bad breath disease had five reasons:
Edible "lily porridge" it is lily, propose some 40 grams of health: lung function to fill ShiChangZhe lung spirit, keep lung Yin. Japonica rice 100 grams, rock candy right amount. Will lily, add water right amount of japonica rice cooking porridge. Will add rock sugar into porridge, for a moment, and can be a bit cook meals early. For various kinds of hair after curing fever left from the pale, temporary neurasthenia, insomnia, the menopause, the open face has good restore the role of colour and lustre appearance

HaoShen injury essence, 1 KangCheng help. The internal heat caused by infection.
KangCheng downwards, 2 gastrointestinal accumulate accumulate ShiXie hot poison. And the attack on the head, and eyes, mouth, throat, oil and gas, evil "caused by descending intestines and stomach.
In patients with skin disease outpatient service nearly a third of patients is due to the improper use of cosmetics and bask in the pathogenesis of majority to skin allergy symptoms is given priority to, since in summer. And individual severe facial ministry appear the symptom such as red. Expert introduction, many consumers don't understand prevent bask in cosmetics to use a method, the blind to purchase and use, just cause "money" breakdown phenomenon.
On XuHuo steam; Lung Yin is rush on QiNi damaged; Pure blood is XuHuo fermented and damaged in the stomach is damaged, 3 Yin fluid deficient. Yin deficiency caused by tianjin deficit.
Each other "cold, 4 spleen qi. Lift lost caused by company.
Cause the spleen and stomach, climate, spirit dishonor, dietary factors. And qi stagnation, dyspepsia; The mood is not easy to help make the stomach, the qi depression and not easy be caused by.

Aug 23, 2011

How to drive away the embarrassing bad breath

It was four ZhiBao players, guangzhou baiyun district bad breath treatment in a reprimand angrily to the river found a man whose body. Two people will get to the body. One person out of the "meddling" to force the dead bodies will back the flow. Then, the man whose is pushed down river float away. At press time, the police have not about whether the body has been were coming.
1 note good eating habits and life work and rest habit;
Should stick to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth after the meal; 2 sooner or later, brushing enough.
Reduce the cold comfort for teeth essence and dental pulp comfort; 3 a fast and prevent figure without eat moderately cold drinks.
Can effectively prevent excessive for comfort and "fire" and bring out various toothache, gum inflammation and oral ulcer occurred; 4 fall less spicy comfort of food.
In addition to form a good habit, diet and clean the teeth, oral environment may continue to higher, and gum bleeds acidity. Also should use suitable for oral care products.

Effectively remove when since morning of bad breath

The second day was up when it all night long, long sleep. Most people will have a heavy tone of voice. Not only his smells suffered, also can affect the future of the mood all day, especially by others is a very embarrassing smell things. So, what method can quickly remove the tone of annoying? Next, small make up a small coup 7 taught everybody, easily solved tone disease.
Also can use the tongue scraper removed by the tongue of the wall adhesion coating on the tongue, in addition to every day with a toothbrush and dental floss completely clean teeth twice outside. Scraper in most enterprise all can buy to experts say, if these coating on the clean not in time, will cause serious bad breath. Because, the tongue and be full of tens of thousands of filaments, can capture a large food particles and bacteria, which can lead to bad breath.
The most common dry mouth or through certain drugs and health problems caused by the many people will have such doubt: why rose up early in the morning and tone will be particularly heavy? This is because people in morpheus when saliva production is low, saliva to prevent bad breath have favorable effect. There are many reasons caused by bad breath. And chewing gum can effectively help saliva production. The more important sugar-free xylitol gum can help to inhibit the generation of disease bacteria in oral cavity.
Always use cinnamon as a flavoring the food added to increase the odour of food. Studies have found that, in daily life. It also has the effect of breath. Some how to treat bad breath countries have even will add to the chewing gum, cinnamon gum, not only made cinnamon smell accelerated secreted in saliva, still can use its aroma dispel tone, kill the residue oral bacteria. There is research to discover, often of chewing gum at least than those who don't chew gum people oral bacteria by 50% and, of course, often in cooking add cinnamon for spices will also have this utility
Blind to try all kinds of styles himself to the spot, a lot of white products in the United States the eyebrow skin how. Tried countless whitening skin care products does not see improvement, the result can only be to give their skin smooth add countless troubles.

Aug 22, 2011

Drink, fruit and various dessert take turns playing

Suggest a drop in eye frost in essence oil, especially tired. Increase the moist degree, lock bad breath causes the moisture better, let eye makeup lasting apply during make-up.
Why would bad breath? Originally, someone will depressed: every morning and evening and have brush my teeth! Didn't you say you don't know, high temperature let bacteria breed faster, oral especially easy to get sick, to this, the expert suggests, summer to fresh breath, sooner or later, brushing enough, after dinner will brush.
Many people think, autumn. Even if every day to brush two tooth, tone or other seasons and pure and fresh, as someone to blame for the "fire" some think is the hot weather caused the emotions of the illusion. Is this really the case? Jinan university hospital affiliated first oral care center director LaiRenFa told reporters, originally autumn cause "bad breath" culprit is hidden in gluttony "oral disease after.
Outpatient service of the most common of oral diseases fall six main LaiRenFa said. Wisdom is ZhouYan crown respectively, dental caries, dental pulp allergies, gums bleeding, periodontal disease, oral ulcer, as long as the control of the mouth, and greedy diligent the mouth clean, pure and fresh and tone can come back.
Specific nursing is the way: a can of eye frost can withstand the trapped "caused by eye week violations" according to different season and eye problems.
Was chewing meat is very useful when the third molar. But because of the increased influence brain capacity of the bone structure jaw, but wisdom is not always for the dentist prepared a source of income. A long time ago. Leave me a such a burden.
Want to rely on deep repair and intensive care to improve. For example use every day, when the eye essence eye week has appeared fine lines. Give the dermis nourishing repair; Weekly 1-2 times intensive care, such as eye film strengthen nutrition penetration, the comprehensive improvement.

Dates on fine chewing some time mouth

Corruption more than bad breath because oral sex does not cause health, such as morning and evening not brush my teeth, and after dinner not gargle, piled up in the teeth and gums margin embedded plug teeth caries or hole food residue after how to treat bad breathfermentation corruption, send out the smell of stink.
Eliminate the bad breath, you must use oral hygiene. A hole to hospital for treatment in time caries.
People with gum disease, because the periodontal bags of food scraps, necrotic tissue and purulent fluid is bacterial action and caused the indoles, hydrogen and sulfur and amine class, also can send out a corrupt sex bad breath.
As long as to periodontal disease treatment, eliminate the bad breath, lesions with eliminate. In the mouth necrosis, such as necrotizing inflammation gingivitis, malignant granuloma, can happen diseases such as significant corruption, it is not merely a bad breath of the bad breath, and deal with these disease treatment.
, have a meal, she and husband feel, taste in the mouth to eat pork bitter, like DiaoPing, mouth after the bitter feeling. He husband called drug guest, thought long reflect the surface layer of meat may be bad breath treatment  only with something, did not say what demand. 5 at noon on, she again cut some lean meat to cook the laver egg soup, this time she dare not to give children eat, two adults to eat, but didn't eat what taste.
There is a dim sum sweets "sugar don't jilt", no matter from appearance or taste, can give a person a kind of throw off feeling. It form if the glutinous rice dumplings meatball, light yellow appearance and sesame seeds and YeRong sugar to mix together, light a bite lips, the residual, glutinous rice just lock of that sweet, do not have a taste.

Purulent nasal foreign children bad breath, atrophic rhinitis, sinusitis, suppurative bad breath treatment  tonsillitis, lung abscess, bronchiectasis lesions formed in diseases such as ulcer, erosion, festering, can cause bad breath, eliminate after lesions. Bad breath also will disappear.
Sou sex bad breath, more commonly known as the acidic halitosis among children, isbad breath treatment   gastrointestinal dysfunction caused by a kind of indigestion, often in when gas smell this kind of smell. The recovery of gastrointestinal function treatment, bad breath also disappeared.