Aug 24, 2011

In fact most of the cause of bad breath is caused because of illness

So get a good living habits are very important. With the cause of bad breath and may be due to the day before yesterday evening never to how to treat bad breath  brush your teeth.
So once appear bad breath, if people with suppurative tonsillitis maxillar sinus,, dental caries, periodontitis, my teeth all diseases such as possible bad breath. Had better be to hospital immediately check, can remove these disease is best.
If mouth occur within a smelly mouth or gas use of traditional Chinese medicine, bitter countries think. Are largely due to WeiHuo partial quickly, warm, food to delay. The main reason is because alcohol, tobacco knowingly bored of growing food caused, temporary this dessert is eating habits lead to indigestion, or refractory constipation.
The catering industry for new staff training is necessary for some directly engaged in the cooking of the kitchen staff after it, the food and drug administration insiders said. Wearing wigs is necessary to prevent scurf, so will fall into the hair, food.
Climate comfortable, because of its long in California. Sunshine, compared with domestic lemon in full more fresh; The choose and buy when salmon fingers gently press application salmon, fish don't tight, down on not immediately restore salmon, is not fresh said. For salmon is not eaten raw, particularly, fish, for pregnant women raw food because of different pointed severe abdominal pain caused nematode infection and allergies.
Wake up in the morning will find bad breath stench, most people with very habitual constipation crowd. This is because the stomach and intestinal lodge in damp and hot to consider. So this kind of person in the wake up in the morning just as well for a cup of water, so as to maintain defecate usually.

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