Aug 24, 2011

Lung and stomach to attack on fermented, bad breath

Quick breath method. Bad breath friend can try these methods, through the above content, introduces the bad breath should know how to care. Effect is good
Principle: clear away heat, purging fire
Licorice 5 g, agent-aloe tonga minus: aloe 10 grams. Dwarf lilyturf 10 grams, SangZhi 10 grams, herbaceous peony 10 grams, platycodon bad breath treatment grandiflorum 6 g, mint 5 g, watercress 10 grams, Montenegro mast 10 grams, yulan magnolia flower bud 10 grams.
Red, swollen gums, 2. WeiHuo burning filled: disease see bad breath, dry mouth. Back GuShan hunger, red tongue moss huang jin, pulse slide for less.
Principle: purging fire away heat
Origin of 20 g, agent-the pure stomach addition and subtraction: huang2 lian2 6 grams scattered. Dan skin, lamp 10 grams, Sue infarction 10 grams, XiJiao 20 grams (first Fried)
Urinate short red, 3. Im setting real hot: disease see constipation bad breath. Upset, and red tongue moss yellow or yellow dry, pulse slippery number.
Yin principle: clear heat purge
Root of herbaceous peony 10 grams, agent-the little bear gas tonga flavour: born rhubarb 15 g. Of frutus aurantii immaturus were 10 grams, magnolia officinalis 10 grams, lamp 10 grams, origin of 20 g, betelnut 10 grams.
Too much sleep easy lead to bad breath. 8. Sleep time shoulds not be too long.
Do more than 10 deep breaths, 9. Every time before dinner. Help to prevent the occurrence of bad breath.
Eat more fruit can help prevent or reduce bad breath. 10. Two meal before.

1 comment:

  1. Conventional mouthwashes, breath mints, sprays and other similar "bad breath solutions" just temporarily mask the offensive odor of bad breath. In addition, popular mouthwashes are a particularly ineffective means of dealing with bad breath that is chronic in nature according to recent research published in a prominent consumer publication. Read the Full Article about Natural remedies for gum disease.
