Sep 30, 2011

In fact the most common cause of bad breath is stomach cold

Reading recommendations: women may not watch six health common sense women's health cannot not know "life four envy"

Real stomach caused by heat of bad breath, tongue is red, coating on the quality of yellow, as long as the drink of water, boil with radish to remove food will soon eliminated. The stomach caused only occasionally hot breath how to treat bad breathoccur, and often happen heat, the stomach JiShi, back against the wall 20 minutes every day, the impact on the back of the spleen and stomach have just points, can clear the meridians, remove food, and will no more bad breath.

Repeated attacks of bad breath, white, most common coating on the stomach is caused by the cold, as long as the drink more water, often with ginger ginger slice, mouth quit cold food, we can eliminate this annoying bad breath.
Main show is bad breath, thirsty to drink cold, born in your sore erosion, gum red lousy swelling and pain, stool stem node, childhood short yellow, red tongue moss yellow greasy, pulse slippery number.

Treatment for the stomach when discharge hot for cure, can choose qing pills each time, coptis chinensis franch 9 g, 3 times a day oral; Three or four pieces HuangPian, each time, three times a day oral; Or stomach pills, every time bezoar qing 9 g, 3 times a day oral. > > > > dispel bad breath will see three key

Phlegmy heat to warm lung type:

Main show is foul breath, chest pain bosom frowsty, cough phlegm yellow viscous, stool stem node, childhood short yellow, red tongue moss yellow greasy, pulse slippery number.

When to clear away heat treatment for lung to promote, can choose antelope clear lung pills, each time, three times a day 9 g oral; Or clear the phlegm pills, every time gas 9 g, 3 times a day oral; Or compound of its five pieces, each time, three times a day oral.
In addition, cause bad breath and a very worthy of note reason, when you and no obvious of oral diseases, and no obvious stomach pain, can always feel oral inside to outside at the odor, stink, weighed, you try to light when food every day, including ginger ginger, and avoid off all the cold food, but still bad breath, is bored with moss or coating on the yellow hair, dark, dark, then it must be vigilant. This kind of patients in the body, often have long malignant tumor, and mass has metamorphism, change the corruption rotten, organizing natural will send out a stink, and spread out through the mouth, the situation may well be the digestive tract of the various types of cancer, esophageal cancer, such as stomach, colorectal, liver cancer, lung cancer and so on.

Sep 26, 2011

Make the bad patients often do not panic all the day

In fact, bad breath is not terrible, carefully read the following article, a few tips let you and bad breath say bye bye the patients often pressured to how to treat bad breath make bad breath, think is not all good big of disease, and dare not to speak in public, think is an incurable disease, be better very depressed and frustrated, in fact, bad breath is not terrible, carefully read the following article, a few tips let you and bad breath goodbye.
Qi to sensitive: oral diseases periodontal disease is caused in the main cause of bad breath, dental caries, residual roots and residual crowns crown ZhouYan, poor restoration and various reason of disease of the oral mucosa are can cause different degree of bad breath. All sorts of causes of saliva is secreted decrease, reduce the oral consecrated themselves, which can cause bad effect.

In addition, gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory system disease, diabetes, uremia, hepatic coma, and blood, etc can also cause bad breath.

Heavy smoking in the mouth, nose smell smoke, lack of sleep, mental tension and fatigue, etc may increase bad breath.
According to statistics, about 90 million people in the United States, the number of China with bad breath can only more so. If you or someone you know is bad breath torture, run out a way and helpless, you'll read this article right, six little skill easily calm.

Don't let your tongue into dirty carpet

The unpleasant smell is usually seen in oral that don't pay attention to oral health. Smell is commonly by fermentation rotten food and bacteria, the metabolism of the breakdown products produced, this is the importance of tooth brushing and flossing is in. But, must remember, not only to brush my teeth, and also need to brush, such ability as far as possible the tongue to remove bacteria.

Sep 25, 2011

The death of feature and the holocaust and make comments

The UN general assembly in western countries identified "using imperialism media network" to sanctions and military action threat to any questioning the holocaust and '911 event "mahmoud ahmadinejad made no mention of the bad breath-treatment Iran's nuclear program and the Palestinian application to be about the UN member states.

"The 911 terrorist attacks, the death of osama bin laden and the holocaust, etc, the Iranian President comment mahmood ahmadinejad 22,-in the 66th general assembly of the United Nations general debate to speak. Point the spear at the United States, Israel and some European countries, cause the presence of the United States and European Union countries from the representative of the protest to leave the meeting.

And the Iraq war "o launched by the United States' mystery 'as an excuse.

No tie, mahmoud ahmadinejad-in a dark suit and light color shirts. On the platform, the speech about 30 minutes. No one country criticized, the use of "proud powers" former colonial powers "such appellation.

Nearly half an hour speech, ahmadinejad speech style this year is different. An approximately 30 problem, contents, not only involves traded slaves movement, colonialism, world war ii history into world war I cause problems, including Afghanistan and Iraq war, world economic order, economic crisis and the difference between rich and poor, and other modern challenges. Also called for an end to what he called "unfair and chaos" the old order, establishing joint and the collective management of the new order.

Who cheat and hypocrisy with the war, displaced, terror and slaughter imposed on the Palestinian people and the regions of the country? Identify "some European countries the bad treatment" still regard the holocaust as "excuse" to Israel "to pay any fine or ransom" mahmoud ahmadinejad asked: DuoNian-60.

Can let the skin has sufficient time to adjust and adapt to this time, choose flesh is broken feed. To improve its from the force.

Nouns explain 】

Let the skin in the simple skin care program get breathing hard. Flesh is broken feed flesh is broken bad breath treatment feed is by Japanese skin care experts invented a new way that protect skin. In fact the so-called flesh is broken feed "does not really let skin" break feed "but more like diet" will my daily or shine discharge makeup, cleansing and toning, essence, face film, eye film, moisturizing, moisturizing and whitening, anti-aging, cream and so on complex and time-consuming order be simplified as much as possible.

But they killed (" al-qaeda leader, the horse bin laden), no body is thrown into the sea. Mahmoud ahmadinejad-established investigation team bad breath treatment said that, in order to find out who hit the twin towers of the world trade to the building of peace, the space plane provides the mastermind, court heard in public not to more sensible?